Tag Archives: stopframe

Exploring Animation

Today I have started a new course of animation. it’s an online course from Future Learn titled ‘Explore Animation’ it’s designed to take 4 weeks to complete dedicating 3 hours per week. It’s content should apply to all animators across all mediums and includes exercises and award winning shorts to study. It’s being presented by the NFTS (National Film and Television School) and is free to participate, optionally you can purchase a certificate after completing the course to add to a CV or resumé, or use it as evidence of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

You can sign up here
I’ll be posting my task videos and thoughts on this blog, coming up first will be a simple flipbook animation done on post it notes

Nile Plumb’s Animated Ice Bucket Challenge!

Here’s my Ice Bucket Challenge Video, done a little differently and more in my style. ANIMATED!

Enjoy and please donate to charity where you can.

The puppet as you can probably tell is print outs stuck to an armature body. The water is cling film. Replacement faces were used, and a two part bucket so the water can pour out from inside.
I also make my arms + bucket swap sides of the armature as it raises it’s arms.

If you wanted to do something like this yourselves I’d recommend printing/sticking printout onto a stiff card/paper to reduce scuffing and crumpling. There are good examples of this ‘2D model’ style in short stop motion films online

2013 showreel now live

After wading through and editing I have a version of my showreel I’m happy to punt around for now.
There’s always room to improve and chop and change in future, but for now here’s my brand new showreel for you to watch and enjoy.
For the best experience watch in fullscreen and HD

[vimeo 74287025 w=540]

Hope you enjoy! What do you think? Leave a comment for me and share to friends or family you think could be interested in my skills.

I want your music! For my showreel!

I’m making a brand new show reel to promote and show case my animation abilities but also would like a good soundtrack to accompany my short film clips, this is where you come in!
If you’re a budding soundtrack composer, rock out in a band, strum acoustically or mix electronic beeps and whistles I want to help to promote you too!
No need to record something new, time is very short for me at the moment, but if you have a track, instrumental or otherwise you would allow me to use in a show reel, I will give full captioned credits to you/your band.

Know someone who might be interested? Forward this on to them, I’m looking at getting finished by the 10th September at the latest so time is short, however I may make additional changes after this date so please don’t be put off, unfortunately I cannot use all submitted songs but I will use the most suitable sample/s for the footage and purpose.

Thanks! I look forward to hearing from you!