Category Archives: Uncategorized

Check Out Trent-Jean’s Disc0vr Promo videos!

Hi! Wow 5 years without updating this place how times have changed since 2016.

Now’s the time to check out the promotional work I made for Australian musician Trent-Jean for their Disc0vr single release! You can see the work and loads of puppet creation photos on the dedicated project page

CHECK OUT Trent-Jean Disc0vr Promo Project!

Earlier this year I also got to do some work for a feature film that’s yet to be released, I can’t share my work yet but keep an eye out for “Alice through the looking” releasing soon.

Show Reel T-shirt

Getting ready for Manchester Animation Festival I made a t-shirt to promote myself there, so how can I stand out at the event and make sure people take notice of my work? Simple. Wear it.

Self Promotion show reel shirt

Presenting the Self Promotion show reel video T-Shirt

I sewed on a vinyl pouch to a cheap t-shirt with Iron on Transfers of my business headers and social web links on reverse, the vinyl pouch holds my android tablet which will be playing my showreel on loop, with the brightness at 2% the battery will last all day, I’m testing today with the brightness at 100% seems that may last 8 hours possibly, so will probably split the difference at 50% or 75% brightness and obviously turn off during screening and events

More Silicone Puppet making

Since my last post I have managed to track down and purchase more materials such as Chavant clay and Toluene (A paint thinner that also works on silicone) And I used the process to make 3 more models and moulds the 3 part mould (my first ever) for an aardvark, an ape and a toad.

Arvin in chavant

Arnie Aardvark in chavant

Arnie and Slinky

Arnie and Slinky

arnie divided ready to be cast in plaster

arnies first section curing

arnies 1st part of the mould cured

arnies mould part 2

arnies mould ready for part 3


arnies mould complete, left, right and underside

arnies 3 part mould assembled

arnies armature

Arnie’s armature has metal nuts in his feet, they’re magnetic, so I can use magnets to secure the model when animating OR use ‘traditional’ tie down screws too (I’ll probably use magnets)

arnies armature


For the toad and ape I made armatures first so I can be sure they fit inside my models, they also have nuts in their feet for magnetic tie down

terry toads armature

terrys armature

terrys model

terrys model

arvins model in chavant clay (armature inside)

the crew so far

arvin ready to be cast

arvin detail plaster coat, painted/daubed onto the model directly so as to preserve fine details

painting the first detail coat of crystacal R plaster onto arvin model to preserve fine details

detail plaster coat finished

Arvins top half completed, hessian is added in layers of the plaster mould to add strength to the mould

Perfect £1 bucket for plaster, it’s flexible so dried plaster can be cracked off and disposed of, DO NOT wash wet plaster down sinks and drains.

arvin’s mould removed, lots of left over WED clay that needs to be cleaned off

arvins top half ready for casting

Easily the best way of cleaning off moulds, I saw them doing this on Face Off with a hose, I don’t have a hose, but I do have a shower!

these clay blocks in the middle will form drainage pools so excess silicone can pool into these resulting in thinner edges on the model and a tighter mould.

Terry Toads mould and armature

Arvins Mould


Yesterday I cast the aardvark in silicone.

Arnie’s silicone model, a few issues, mainly the bi air bubble on its back

excess silicone edges/flash/sprue trimmed and bubbles cut out, I decided to patch the holes with more silicone

Bubble holes filled in the mode is shiny because the silicone is still wet

The bubbles were a shame so I had to mix up another batch of silicone and touch up and fill the areas.

Ears added on, they also have wire inside, a hole was drilled into the milliput skull and ear wire inserted into the hole, extra silicone added to add skin and secure the ear in place

bristle hairs added


The ears were carved from some left over silicone, I shoved a wire into them and drilled a hole either side of his head into the milliput skull, and inserted them afterwards adding an extra layer of silicone on top and around the base to stick the ear in place, the hairs are simply a hole pierced into the silicone and old thick paint brush bristles inserted, painted black..

Now to make the toad and ape. Will have to make the feet again for the ape as his model ‘locked’ in the mould and I had to carve it out so now his feet area have holes through to the top. This probably occurred due to poor decision of where to build my dividing wall for his feet as such his toes were wider than the space behind it and once the plaster had set I had sealed his foot in a chamber it couldn’t pull out of.

Project pages now have videos

I noticed from my site statistics that a few people had tried to find out more details about the projects I’ve worked on. Unfortunately I had no content on those pages yet!

However to temporarily rectify this I’ve now embedded the videos of each project on it’s relative page and created a quick list on the projects overview page, hopefully one day I’ll add more content and information to each project page and improve the projects overview page with a better design with thumbnails of each project.

Till next time!

Jabberwocky Mask ‘final’

Beware the Jabberwock!

following on from my previous post where I painted the mask I present a video, much like the first one except now fully painted and detailed.

I think I’ve completed the Jabberwocky mask for the Alice in Wonderland party I’ll be going to.

I’ll be making a tail and finishing off my wings now.

I’ll be wearing a cheap green T-shirt and attaching the wings to the t-shirt somehow.

Not sure what to do about hands and feet yet….